5905. THOSE WHO SEE AT NIGHT, AND NOT BY DAY, LIKE [CERTAIN] BIRDS. Many of the Spiritual are not able to see those who are in an interior heaven; and, if they see them, they see them in the dusk, as it were, of evening, and then do not see them otherwise than as unlovely; some, also, see them as one sees an object in gloom, which he sees under another form determined by fancy. The same ones, in the light itself in which the interior angels are, can see little, if anything. It was told them that their eyes are such as their thoughts; inasmuch as, with spirits, the thought and the sight of the eye make one. It was hence manifest, that everyone's sight in the spiritual world is such as is his intelligence. It is the same with those who are in hell: the sight of their eye corresponds to the thought; and, since the thought is thought of falsity, hence, also [the things seen are] phantastic; for they believe falsity to be truth: wherefore, the sight does the same, and they actually see those things which are not, just as if they were: which is the reason that mere phantasies are there, and nothing real.