Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5946

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5946. THE AFRICANS. I was brought by the Lord, through changes of state which went on for about half an hour, in a southerly direction, as far as to the wiser African sort; and it was granted me to converse with them about various matters; and from my discourse with them, it was granted me to perceive that they knew the truths of the Church in themselves. They ran over the things which I knew, and stated that they knew all these, and more. I imagined that they were of those who indeed perceive the truths of the Church when they hear others [utter them], but still do not talk about them; but it was noticed that these likewise speak of them. I also spoke to them about the knowledges which are representatives and correspondences. Of these they knew little; but it was shown them what these contribute to wisdom and happiness - to wit, when they are conjoined. Various things were pointed out respecting that matter, which things also delighted them much. I was also informed where their best ones are, namely, at the side towards the sea, [occupying] more than half of the region, with almost this form:

[Map of Africa] namely, the best of them are in the whole tract, D E, but the worse are towards the Mediterranean Sea, H, and at the Cape of Good Hope, F; so that the kingdoms of the best are D E; but they who are towards D B, that is, towards Asia, are not wise, and are infested by those who come thence, because they speak things which they do not perceive. It is like this almost to C; and those who are still worse are towards A, where Egypt is. They stated that in that great tract D E they all worship the Lord, and are taught by many who communicate with the angels of heaven; that the communication is not through speech by the angels, but through interior perception; and that these are their instructors, whom they perfectly discriminate from all others. They also stated that those from Europe are not admitted to them; and that if they come thither, and are not willing to be their servants, they are sent away from there, by a road at B, and that they are sold by them, in order that thus they may be safe from infestations. When any of the Papal religion come there, they say that they are saints; but they are immediately examined, and they perceive that they know nothing about truth, still less perceive it; wherefore, they are either not admitted, or are sent towards Asia, like the rest. Next they received the Word and read it; and on reading it they perceived nothing of holiness at first, but afterwards more and more of holiness; and then they gave it to their instructors, who said that they have it but have not disclosed the fact. The instructors stated that they dictated it to the men in Africa with whom they have communication, just as the Lord guides [them]. Hence it is evident that there is now a revelation there. Afterwards, also, the work on Heaven and Hell was given to them, which they likewise accepted and preserved; in like manner, also, the ones on The Last Judgment and on The Earths in the Universe, and likewise those on The White Horse, and, lastly, The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, - in order that they may take thence those things which they consider useful. Tranquillity prevailed there because they were in order. Certain ones attended on Christians, with whom is the Word, and observed that they perceive nothing of truth from good; and they were led to certain Englishmen, and perceived that they do not receive it; a few [do so] from a certain intelligence, but scarcely anyone from perception. Furthermore, I was conducted in spirit to others in Africa; and this region is known to Europeans, and in the maps is called Ethiopia, where a noble race dwell in tents.

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