600. CONCERNING A GENERAL GLORYING IN HEAVEN For quite a time I was kept in a general vision which almost withdrew me from particular or corporeal ideas. There appeared, as it were, a vivid sparkling of light nearby, as though it were an adamantine light, and this for quite a time. I am unable to describe that light in any other manner, for it was general, and it withdrew me from corporeal ideas, indeed, from the body. When I was in it, I regarded corporeal things as beneath me; I indeed felt them but as if they were removed from, and did not pertain to, me, thus as not communicating with me. The spirits and genii sometimes said that I was absent from them, and they did not know where I was, nor what I was thinking. They complained that I was thus removed from them, for the pleasure they had in speaking with me, and being one with me by immediate communications, perished.