600. About a collective glorification in the heavens
For quite a long time I was kept in a broad vision, which almost withdrew me from personal ideas, or those on the bodily plane. There appeared a kind of lively sparkling of light nearby, like the light of diamonds, and this continued for quite a long time. I cannot describe that light in any other way, for it was very general, and it drew me away from ideas on the bodily plane, in fact, from the body. When I was in it, then I was looking at bodily things as if below me, and I did feel them, but as if remote from me and not belonging to me, and thus not being part of me. Several times, the spirits and demons said that I was absent from them, and that they did not know where I was, nor what I was thinking. They complained that because of this, I was being removed from them, and thus the gladness which they had felt from speaking with me, and from being one with me through direct communication, had passed away.