6109. THOSE WHO CONSTITUTE THE SOLES OF THE FEET, AND THOSE WHO ARE UNDER THEM. It was granted me to see those who constitute the Nails, who are those who praise and blame without understanding, yet are not evil. Those who constitute the right sole near the great toe, make lucifer matches,* and by their art cause them to shine in-doors. From these they have light in their rooms. Those who constitute the middle of the sole, make beautiful parchments, which they sell, out of which the people make smart little purses.** Those who constitute the heel, make tallow-lights*** which they sell: those who dwell there use these for candles. They are able to make lamps, which last almost forever, and some which do not last so long. Their light is that of candles. Those who are under the sole of the foot, are scandal-mongers. They seek, or ferret out news, everywhere, and relate it to others. Their communication is with those things which are in the top of the brain. I felt the communication. They are very numerous. I heard those who constitute the nails, singing, or in their way confessing the Lord, and also those who are under the nails; and they are beloved by all. Gifts were presented to them which they carried back to their companions. * The original, here, is Swedish, - sponta stickor. ** Swedish, sma scatuller, wachra. *** The original, here, is Swedish, - talglius.