Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 620

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620. Moreover, those who are governed by the Lord are passive, and have no power of themselves; they are impotent to act and feel anything of themselves, and they know it. With them there is only a passive force. These are called "poor" and also "needy" and they are so esteemed by those who suppose that they themselves are strong. Those weak ones who can do nothing of themselves are governed by the Lord. He Himself takes care of them. But, on the other hand, those who suppose that they live from themselves and govern themselves are called the "strong", and they possess active powers, whilst those just spoken of only passive powers. Those who possess active powers of themselves, are they who arouse evil thoughts and affections with the others; so that the evils which they think and to which they are aroused are from the active powers of such spirits who breathe forth like things. This was shown me in a spiritual manner today, and once before, so manifestly that there can be no doubt about it. I also spoke today with the spirits around me about this, and they could not but acknowledge it. 1748, Feb. 1.

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