621. THAT I HAVE BEEN FOR A LONG TIME WITH MY ACQUAINTANCES AND FRIENDS IN THE OTHER LIFE This I can testify, that [I have seen] many friends and acquaintances in the other life, thus have consociated and talked with those who have been with me almost continually, with occasional intermissions. Indeed, a certain friend was with me continually for a period exceeding a month, as he asserted. How many there were I could not enumerate, but who they were I am not allowed to say, although they desired me to relate this to their friends; but this is not granted. I can assert and testify, that I have been in consociation, and have spoken for quite a time, with many in the other life who had been known to me in this life, or the life of the body, and that there have been many conversations concerning the state of the unhappy, and concerning the state of the happy, and also that such spirits were shown to them. They also wondered that no one in the life of the body knows that they are living in the other life immediately after death, that they are among spirits, and that their life is a continuation of the life of the body, so that they know no otherwise than that they are still in the life of the body; this is so much so, that there is no difference except such as is described in various places elsewhere, for their state is changed according to their life in the body, as you may see stated elsewhere. 1748, Feb. 1.