647. THAT SPEECH AND PERSUASIONS ARE OF NO AVAIL WHEN THE "ANIMUS" DESIRES OR IS AFFECTED BY LOVE From very considerable experience with spirits I have learnt that persuasions avail nothing whatever against affections. For very often my "animus" has been affected, and in the meanwhile spirits, and also angels, have persuaded and said that something was to be done in such and such a manner, and not otherwise. But so long as I was detained in the affection, persuasions could avail nothing, as also I sometimes told them in reply. If the affection were but bent, then the mind would be changed at once and would follow the persuasion. Hence, as from living experiences and from many things, I could know that all persuasions contrary to the loves can effect nothing whatsoever. Wherefore those spirits who are genii and act through the cupidities are the most dangerous. Furthermore, it is the way of the angels to bend minds to good through the affections, the Lord governing in that way. 1748, Feb. 5.