Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 675

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675. But those who are to be admitted into the more interior heaven must put off the natural, and so come into more interior joy, for without a putting off of the exteriors, no one can be admitted into a more interior heaven. Thus man must die on earth, which is the death of the body, and afterwards in the other life, when the adjoined natural must be abolished; otherwise he cannot be admitted into the more interior heaven. And the natural must again be abolished in order that he may be admitted into the inmost heaven, thus into heavenly glory.* * The entry in the Index (s.v. Coelum) is: "The first resurrection signifies that of those who are among the good in the lower world of spirits; the second that of those who are in the interior world of spirits; the third that of those who are in the angelic heaven; in such an order that corporeal, and then natural things may be abolished, and heavenly spiritual things put on."

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