720. THAT WITHOUT REFLECTION, SPIRITS DO NOT SEE [OBJECTS IN THE WORLD] THROUGH THE HUMAN BODY TO WHICH THEY ARE ADJOINED Often as I went through the streets of a city and among a great crowd, I did not reflect upon the spirits around me, that they likewise were attending to those things with me, which reflection is only effected by interior intuition and thus by tacit observation. Almost every time this happened, thus quite frequently, they said to me that in the meantime they saw and heard nothing, but were at the time intent upon the thought of the mind. So also, any spirit upon whom I reflected was aroused as it were, and this very often. Hence I could conclude, that the spirits in a man in whom the interiors are not opened towards the Lord by means of faith, cannot speak with the man nor see through his eyes. They only enjoy the memory of the man and thus his reasoning, as do the same spirits with me, who confessed very frequently that they could not know otherwise than that they were the ones who lived my life. This also comes about from the consociation of many, in which consociation each one supposes that he lives his own life, and does not know that the others also think in like manner.