Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 740

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740. It is otherwise on the planet Jupiter, where spirits admonish them, and call forth whatever they have thought and done evilly, and set it before them; thus on that earth reflections are brought about by revelations, concerning which see above [nos. 523, 539, 541]. This cannot take place on this earth because the door towards heaven has been closed, and men's thoughts are drawn to heaven by the Lord only at certain times; at other times they regard nothing else than things corporeal, worldly and terrestrial, upon which they reflect. If the door towards heaven were then open to them, as it was to Cain, with whom also spirits could speak, then falsities would so commix themselves with truths that they could never be separated, and thus they would be damned to eternity; wherefore this is guarded against. 1748, Feb. 11.* * A heading, crossed out: "THAT THE CUPIDITIES OF SPIRITS CAN BE EXPLORED..."

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