751. The other city is almost midway between Gehenna and the lake. The better of them seem to themselves to dwell there. At times this city appears to them magnificent, with palaces and quite beautiful houses. But sometimes it appears to them that the city is suddenly turned into towns or lesser cities, sometimes also into a stinking lake, as if into mere filth, in which they may be overwhelmed. Thus it is varied with them; not with all at the same time, but with the individuals who are there, for they are governed by phantasies. It is, therefore, according to the varieties of their cupidities and punishments, and also according to the varieties of their delights through changes of recreations, that they experience such representations. To them these are as if altogether living, so that they can by no means know otherwise than that they are so. It is a common saying in this city of theirs, that the city belongs to them, but the land to the Lord.
751 1/2. I inquired who was the governor of the city. They did not know and I was told that there was no one, but yet they were together on account of their fear of the robbers wandering about in the deserts. Thus they are held together from fear. It was manifest that the Lord governs their phantasies in this way by means of their fears, lest one should infest another there, as they do in the desert places, which would happen unless they were under the auspices of the Lord.