761. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE ROBBERS One of the robbers who was like an entirely black cloud again came to me. He applied himself to my right side and struck fear in those who were with me, but not in me; for the presence of these robbers is such as to strike fear, terror, and even trembling, in those to whom they come. He wanted by his every effort to infest me with his artifices, but in vain. He also extended his right hand that he might exercise imaginary power, but he could effect nothing whatever. Moreover, when this black robber appeared he had stars before him, also a starry heaven.*
761 1/2. Only this now occurred as worthy of mention: he represented women with beautiful faces, and thus he wanted to insinuate them with the intent that thereby he would be able to steal, which he also tried to do in accordance with his delusive arts. * The last sentence is a later addition crowded into a small space at the end of the paragraph, and was probably added when Swedenborg was making the Index.