Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 766

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766. THE POWERFUL AND RICH IN THE WORLD, EQUALLY WITH THE LOWLY AND POOR, ARE SAVED I have spoken with those who had been powerful, who had been kings and queens, with whom it had fared well after the life of the body, and who are to be counted among the more happy; but I have also met very many who had been lowly and poor who are in a miserable state, especially beggars and the like. Thus worldly power and worldly riches in no wise hinder a man from attaining eternal life, neither does a miserable state or poverty promote it. But it is the interior man and the fruits of faith and charity, consequently his ends and making use of his goods, power, and riches which effect it; consequently, there is no other distinction between men of different classes than that which is of faith. 1748, Feb. 14.

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