85. [CONCERNING THE SPEECH OF SPIRITS] How, from the memory of a man, spirits excite ideas which fall into the words of speech.* (Idea, Loqui, Memoria, Vox.) That spirits suddenly snatch away and hide things to which they are averse. (Memoria, Spiritus.) That they speak very rapidly, and sometimes more quickly than men, and, indeed, by their usual rhythms. (Loqui, Rhythmus.) * This is probably the paragraph referred to in WE 2531, written in March 1746: "That the disposition itself is called memory can be evident from many considerations; for thoughts flow from affection, and put on the appearance of disposition and so proceed into words which express the things prompted by the disposition. The words follow spontaneously; and these are laid up in the memory. As to how the case is in regard to this matter, that is to say, as to how words are aroused when the affections are aroused, see the things and they may be transferred to this place, if so it be pleasing to God Messiah which I have learned from spirits. See at the end of this Tome [II], at the sign."