Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 86

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86. [CONCERNING CHOIRS OF SPIRITS AND ANGELS] Concerning the choirs of spirits and angels, and their harmonies and union; concerning their forms, gyres, and reciprocations in speaking and acting. These are images of the form of celestial and spiritual things, and small images of the Kingdom of God Messiah. Also concerning the exaltation of happiness arising from many when united by God Messiah into heavenly forms.* (Angelus, Chorus, Dominus, Felicitas, Forma, Gyrus, Harmonia, Loqui, Spiritus, Unio.) * This is probably the passage referred to in WE 3032, written early in April 1746: "The mediate blessings are those which concern society, since, for the existence of that felicity and prosperity, which is meant by a blessing, it is necessary that it be with many, who together constitute that felicity and transfuse it into themselves by a wonderful communication flowing solely from the harmony of many. The nature of the felicity flowing from this source, and of heavenly felicity, may be seen described below, namely, at the sign ( ). It may be transferred to the present place if this be allowable."

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