114. Chapter 48 [Jeremiah] Of those who adulterate the goods of the word and of the church, who are meant by "Moab." 3 1-5 The destruction of all things with those who adulterate the goods of the church and of the Word. 3 6-9 All truths have been destroyed thereby. 3 10, 11 It has not been devastated for a long time, and therefore the evil is worse. 3 12-16 Nevertheless they will perish with their falsities. 3 17-26 There will be devastation of all things of truth with them. 3 27, 28 They are against the church, because against truths. 3 29 Its pride. 3 30-34 Grief on account of all this, 3 35-38 because there is nothing but evil, 3 39-42 because there is no longer any good or truth of the Word. 3 43-46 Every remnant of truth and good that is untouched is adulterated at the same time. 3 47 Those who have not adulterated will be amended. 11