115. Chapter 49 [Jeremiah] Of those who falsify the truths of the word and of the church, who are meant by "the children of Ammon." 3 1 They falsify truths. 3 2 Truths and goods with them will be destroyed. 3 3 Mourning over this. 3 4, 5 They will be dispersed. 3 6 Those who have not falsified truths will be accepted. 11 Of those who have falsified the external of the word who are meant by "Edom." 3 7, 8 They will be destroyed by things falsified. 3 9-13 Nothing of truth remains. 3 14-18 Their total destruction. 3 19-22 The last judgment is executed upon them, and they are cast down into hell. 15 Of those who pervert the knowledges [cognitiones] of truth, who are meant by "Damascus." 3 23-26 The doctrine of truth has been destroyed thereby. 3 27 They will perish. 3 Of those who pervert the knowledges [cognitiones] of good, who are meant by "Arabia." 3 28-30 They have destroyed the knowledges [cognitiones] of good and truth by reasonings. 3 31-33 Their destruction. 3 Of the falsification of doctrine, which is meant by "Elam." 3 34-36 The falsities of their doctrine will be dispersed. 3 37, 38 They will perish, 3 39 except those who have not falsified. 11