Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 146

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146. Chapter 23 [Ezekiel] The church which is in truth, and the church which is in good. 2 1, 2 There are two churches, one which is in truth, which is "Samaria," and the other which is in good, which is "Jerusalem." 2 3, 4 Both are external natural, perverted in the beginning. 2 5-8 "Samaria" falsified the truths of the Word by reasonings from knowledges [scientifica]; 2, 3 9, 10 thus she became corrupted. 2, 3 11-13 "Jerusalem" likewise falsified truths, 2, 3 14-17 and adulterated goods also by various means. 2, 3 18 Thereby she separated herself from the Lord, 2 [19,] 20, 21 and defiled truths and goods still further by knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man. 2 22-25 They will wholly perish on the day of judgment. 15 26, 27 Thus the truths and goods of the church will no longer be perverted. 15 28-31 They will be in hell where there is nothing but evils and falsities. 15 15 32-34 They will also be in the falsification of all truth; 15 35 and this, because they have denied the Lord. 4 36-39 They have destroyed all the holy things of the church. 3 40-42 They boasted before others because of their having the Word and the holy things of the church, 3 43-45 although these were entirely falsified and adulterated. 3 46-49 Falsities and evils will destroy all things of the church among them, and such must be separated that they may no longer mislead. 3, 11

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