Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 156

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156. Chapter 33 [Ezekiel] Of those who instruct and are instructed. 2 1-5 Those who are instructed by the preacher concerning falsities and do not take heed, perish; 2 6, 7 when the preacher sees falsities and does not give instruction concerning them, he perishes. 2 8, 9 The same is true of everyone who teaches doctrine, when he teaches and is not heard, or when he does not teach. 2 10, 11 So now in the church, they must be taught in order that they may be converted, because the Lord wishes the salvation of all. 2 12-16 If the evil man becomes good, His evil is forgiven; if the good man becomes evil, His good is not regarded. 2 17-20 These things are Divine justice. 2 21-26 A perverted church declares that it is the church because it has the Word; nevertheless it falsifies the Word, worships another god and does evil, 2 27-29 and will perish by reason of falsities of evil, 3 30-33 notwithstanding its hearing the Word, and being in external worship. 3

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