159. Chapter 36 [Ezekiel] The perverted church in general. 3 1, 2 It has been destroyed by evils and falsities. 3 3-7 Because it has been destroyed even to its ultimates, those that have been destroyed will perish. 3 8-12 A new church will be established by the Lord, which will be in truths and goods. 11 13-15 The evils and falsities of the perverted church will no longer do any harm. 11 16-19 That perverted church will perish utterly. 2 20-23 Yet it will still be tolerated because of the Word, and because the Lord is known by means of the Word. 2 24-30 A new church will then be established, which, being freed from falsities and evils, will be in truths and goods, and will acknowledge the Lord. 11 31, 32 It will reject evils. 11 33-36 Its intelligence will gradually grow by means of Divine truths. 11 37, 38 The Lord will be acknowledged in it, and there will be the worship of Him. 11