72. Chapter 6 [Jeremiah] Those who have conjunction with the Lord in the lowest heaven; these are meant by "the children of Benjamin." 2 1, 2 The church among them is destroyed by falsities of evil. 2 2 3-5 They no longer have truth and good, but falsity and evil, and these destroy them. 2 6, 7 By means of these the church amongst them is destroyed. 2 8, 9 There are still some truths; let them beware lest they destroy them; 2 10 but they hearken not. 3 11 Therefore all things are being destroyed. 3 12 Thus others are being received in their stead. 11 13, 14 Because everything there has been so perverted that there is no protection against falsity, 3 15 which they do not acknowledge to be falsities, 3 16, 17 and they repudiate truths, 3 18, 19 therefore they will come to an end; 3 20 hence they regard the works of their worship as of no value. 3 21 Destruction comes upon them3 22, 23 through falsities, from which they reason against the truths of the church. 3 24-26 Those who are separated and grieve over them. 3 27-30 The perverse are tested, and found incapable of restoration. 3