73. Chapter 7 [Jeremiah] Those who are in the lowest heaven with whom is the church in respect to good. 3 1, 2 To such: 3 3 let them look to truths and goods; 3 4 let them not believe that the church is with them; 3 5, 6 unless they live according to the commandments, and do no violence to the Word, 3 3 7 goods and truths do not cause them to be a church. 3 8-10 If the life is contrary to the commandments, there is no church worship. 3 11 The church of the Lord is not with those who profane holy things. 3 12-15 By such profanation the destruction of the church is brought about, as elsewhere, so also here. 3 16 Intercession is of no avail, 3 17-19 because it is certain that they profane the truths and goods of heaven. 3 20 Hence is the destruction of all. 33 21-24 They rely on externals of worship, which are of no account, because they have no internals of worship. 3 25, 26 They have obstinately rejected internals, even from the beginning. 2 27-31 Since their reformation is vain, everything of their worship is rejected, because they profane all things of the church. 15 32, 33 They will be cast into hell, where there is nothing but falsity and evil. 15 34 Thus that church will perish. 15