82. Chapter 16 [Jeremiah] 1-3 There is no conjunction of the Lord with that church, because no truths and goods are there. 3 4 They cannot but be cast into hell. 15 5-7 No compassion can be shown. 15 8 Because no good and truth can be received by them, 3 9 all conjunction with the Lord has perished with them. 3 10, 11 This comes of their having departed from worshipping the Lord; hence their worship is not worship of God; 3 12 therefore everyone wishes to be wise from Himself; 3 13 consequently they must be in hell. 15 14, 15 Others are to be brought to the church by the Lord, 11 16[, 17] both those who are natural and those who are rational. 11 18 Retribution will visit those who have previously profaned the church. 3 19-21 Those of whom the church will consist will acknowledge the Lord. 11