83. Chapter 17 [Jeremiah] 1, 2 It is in their internals to worship only externals. 3 3 All true knowledges [scientifica] will be taken away; 3 4 but not yet. They will come into hell. 3 5, 6 Because they trust in themselves, they perceive nothing of truth and good. 3 7, 8 On the other hand, those who trust in the Lord always have good and truth. 11 9, 10 The Lord knows what lies hidden interiorly, howsoever the external may appear. 3 11 The truths which they learn are of no use to them. 3 12, 13 Because the Lord is heaven and the church, those who depart from Him are damned. 15 14-18 Prayer to the Lord, and acknowledgment, that the evil may be removed. 3 19, 20 The Lord, to those who are in externals: 3 21-24 that they ought to acknowledge His Divine, which is meant by the "Sabbath," and not violate it; 16 25 then they will possess an understanding of the Word, 16 26 and then their worship will be from truths. 16 27 If they will not acknowledge, the externals will perish from internals. 2