2. After I looked at his face, I looked into his eyes, and behold their pupils sparkled as from rays of light; afterwards they became opaque, and the irises became quite green, and finally, they appeared as if covered by a film, from which the whole crystalline lens in the pupil appeared like a cataract. Having seen these things I asked him whether he could see anything, and he said, "I see clearly and more than before." And I asked, "How can you see when your eyes have amaurosis? Perhaps you see something from fatuous light within." He responded, "What is fatuous light?" In order therefore that he might know what fatuous light is, I asked, "What do you think from your light?" He said, "I think in clear vision that beasts think just as rationally as man." Afterwards he said that God is nature, and nature is God; and then also that religion is vanity; and further, that nothing is good or evil but that which is delightful or undelightful and other like things.