2543. Moreover, there was also conversation about the body, to the effect that the body is nothing except the use that it performs to its spirit in the world, being something entirely separate from its spirit, and that the body, of which they take such great care, is nothing. For every beast and wild animal, in fact every little insect, has an even more neatly composed and more perfect body than the human, more perfect organs of smell, taste, sight-indeed, that little insects among the foliage see tinier things and smell much more keenly the elements of finer nature than mankind can ever see by the most refined microscope or feel by any technique. For they see their foods, smell them, and taste things that do not stir the slightest human sensation. So the brutes have more perfect bodies than humans, who nevertheless take such great care and have such great love for that body that in itself is so vile. 1748, 6 July.