Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2544

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2544. Fallacies of the senses must be removed in things that ought to be believed

I have sometimes spoken with spirits who were with me, as I am also doing now, saying that they are not near me, even though they seem to themselves to be nearby, and sometimes, as very often, that they touch me, move me, work tangibly inside of me, at my side, at my head, when yet experience has shown unquestionably that they cannot possibly be here, but sometimes 10, 100, 1000, 3000 miles distant. Indeed, the case is the same in regard to spirits of other planets. But because spirits were judging entirely from the appearance as if it were so, that they were with me, and very close by, they did not want to believe it because it was entirely contrary to the appearance. I was prompted to tell them that it is a matter of firmly established and sure experience, and not to be doubted, and least of all for the reason that it so appears; and that they cannot understand it for any reason because they had not seen the reason.

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