Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2544

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2544. CONCERNING THE FALLACIES OF THE SENSES, THAT THEY ARE TO BE REMOVED IN THINGS THAT ARE TO BE BELIEVED. (((I have spoken sometimes with spirits, as also now, who were present with me, [to the effect] that they are not near me, although they seem to themselves to be near, yea, sometimes very often [to be] so near as to touch [and] move me, operate to the touch, within me, at the side, at the head, when yet experience is most certain that they cannot be here, but sometimes 10, 100, 1000, 3000 miles distant; yea, that it is similar with spirits of other earths. But because spirits from the appearance, entirely as if it were so, that they were near and next to me, do not wish to believe it, because it was wholly contrary to appearance, it was given to tell them that experience is constant and certain, and it is not to be doubted, and least from that cause that it appears so, and that they cannot perceive it from any cause because they have not perceived the cause.

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