2572. * Besides those inclinations spoken of above [2566-7] they also have numerous varieties resulting from them, namely, that they desire to destroy the human race and its life, thus that they are cruel. In their passions they are just like Neros, wanting to take all from their neighbors, laughing at their poverty and misery even if they were dying before their eyes, in fact deriving enjoyments from that, because they are against all compassion, just as the deceitful are against all innocence. Moreover they also very much delight in being able to destroy friendships, and especially marriage loves, engineering enmity between the partners and enticing the wives of others to adulteries, and things of that nature that necessarily result from those two sources, the love of self and the love of the world. 1748, 9 July. * Paragraphs 2572, 2573 and2574 are each marginally emphasized by the word obs. (=observe).