Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2572

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2572. Besides those inclinations, of which [I have treated] above, they also have such as with manifold variety follow therefrom; to wit, that they desire to destroy the human race as to their life, so that they are entirely as cruel as Neros in their minds; that they desire to take away everything from the neighbor, deriding their poverty and misery, yea, even should they die before their eyes, they hence derive delight; because they are opposed to all mercy, like as the deceitful are opposed to all innocence. Besides, they also [hence] delight much in being able to destroy friendships, and especially conjugial loves, by devising enmities between husband and wife [conjuges], and by alluring [enticing] the wives of others to adulteries, and the like, which necessarily flow from these two fountains, self-love and love of the world. - 1748, July 9. [Marg. Note: "obs."]

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