Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2571

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2571. Nor can these interior spirits be where there are good interior spirits, - in like manner neither in the world can they be together, for their intentions are contrary. That they can be together in the world is only that they may take away their goods by their depredations, or artifices, or use them for servants. It is different in the other life: when good spirits are present, they must needs certainly flee, because they are, as it were, killed with tedium, for there they cannot make gain out of them. That they are unable to be together is apparent merely from this, that if angels work into such, they are affected with such anguish that they seem to perish, and seem to themselves to be turned into loathsome reptiles and wild beasts. Wherefore, the Lord so disposes that they are unable to breathe evil or poison into the faithful. - 1748, July 8.

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