2582. There is a great multitude of spirits who take pleasure in bringing harm on others
One cannot marvel enough at how great a multitude there are of those in the world of spirits, both in its lower and in its inward part, who take almost their only delight in being able to torment whomsoever they meet, and the more harm they bring on them, the greater is their delight. This is clear to me from manifold and almost daily experience. The reason is that people in the life of the body are of that nature that they find pleasure in being able to bring harm on others, both physical and financial-indeed, even as to their soul, as is evident to anyone who pays attention. Since punishment is inherent in sins [see 2438], it can also be clear what kind of punishment awaits them, for before they can be in good societies, those qualities must be removed by means of torments. If people are like this in the interiors of their character, then it is evident how much torment, and how much time it will take, until they finally return to their right mind.