Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2581

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2581. Conversations of angels on certain matters come down to lower spirits as portrayals of cities

Early this morning when I was in a state almost midway between waking and sleeping, several objects slipped into my thought, such as a lyre and other musical instruments, and at the same time I was thinking of cities, so that those thoughts were joined with the image of cities. When I awoke a little, I was told that conversations of angels about similar objects came down with spirits into mental images of cities, as the spirits also affirmed. And indeed, an unbroken conversation of angels about one thing such as a lyre or other instruments is only presented to spirits simply as the idea of a city, without variation, which shows also how many things there may be with the angels that present to the lower spirits just the one idea of a city. So a conversation among angels dealing with spiritual things is turned into a mental image of cities and such, and one dealing with heavenly things into one of animals and the like. 1748, 10 July.

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