Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2581

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2581. THAT THE CONVERSATIONS OF ANGELS CONCERNING CERTAIN THINGS FALL INTO REPRESENTATIONS OF CITIES WITH INFERIOR SPIRITS. This day, in the morning, in a state nearly intermediate between waking and sleeping, there were some things which slipped into my thoughts; for instance, a lute, and other musical instruments, and at the same time I thought of cities, so that those thoughts were [together] with the idea of cities; when [I was] slightly awake, it was told me that the conversations of the angels concerning the like fell into ideas of cities amongst the spirits, which was also affirmed by the spirits; and indeed the continued speech of angels concerning one thing, as concerning a lute or other thing, is only presented to spirits simply as the idea of a city, without variety; from which may also be apparent how many things there are among the angels which present but the one idea of a city amongst in inferior spirits. Thus that which with the angels concerns spiritual things, is turned into the idea of a city and the like, and that which [relates] to celestial things [is turned] into [the idea] of animals and the like. - 1748, July 10.

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