Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2582

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2582. THAT THERE IS A GREAT MULTITUDE OF SPIRITS WHO DELIGHT IN INFLICTING HARM ON OTHERS. No one can help wondering at there being a very great multitude in the world of spirits, as well in its inferior as in its interior [sphere], of those whose only delight almost is that they may be able to torment whomsoever they meet with. This has become apparent to me from manifold and almost daily experience. [It arises] from the cause that men in the life of the body are such as to delight in being able to inflict harm upon others as to their body and property [opes], yea, also as to their soul, as may be manifest to anyone who attends [thereto]. Since punishment is in sins, it is hence also apparent what sort of punishment awaits them; for before they can be in good societies, such things must be removed by torment. If man is such as to the interiors of his nature, then how much torment [must he endure], and how much [long a] time must elapse until he returns to reason [ut tandem mentis suae compos fiat].

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