2704. About those who are carried away by the lust for virginities
Just before awakening, when I was more asleep than awake, I saw that someone was reading a letter, which I heard, the subject of which was excrements of virginities. And when I awoke, my mind kept deliberating what this was, "excrements of virginities." Then certain spirits spoke with me and explained what this was, namely, that in the world there are those who are driven by that perverse lust of desiring nothing more than virginities, and that thefts of virginities or of the flowers of virgins are the greatest delights to them, without any purpose looking toward marriage and offspring, and then when they have stolen a virginity and snatched away the first flower of youth, they afterwards abandon them, become sick of, and reject them-some men hating them, as we read of David's son Ammon [2 Sam. 13:15]. Then the more virginities they have taken away by theft and thus the more they are able to deflower, the more they boast. These lusts were what had been meant by excrements of virginities.