Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2771

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2771. Relatives, friends, companions find one another in the other life

By quite a lot of experience I have been allowed to learn that in the other life they find their relatives, friends, companions, and acquaintances, even those who had been known to them in life only by repute, and with them they converse and also enter into their first social relationship. For in the other life, distance is of no account, and those who are a 1000 miles apart, or even if they were 1,000,000, yet they are near. In fact they may be very close by, depending on the quality of their life. Therefore, since it is so that relatives, parents, children, friends, companions, and those in some way acquainted, find one another, it is extremely unfortunate for those who had hated certain ones in bodily life. These also come together with [those they hated] and exercise their hatred, causing extreme distress and unhappiness to those whom they had hated,* nor does it hinder them if that is a multitude of souls, as I have been allowed to learn by very much experience. Therefore let people beware of hatred, for their life [there] is so similar to their life in the body, that they do not know they are not living the life of the body. 1748, 8 Aug. * The original has "who had harbored hatred" where we believe "whom they had hated" was intended; cf. 2774.

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