Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2772

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2772. About those who strive only for the world and themselves

There are some, who have been discussed earlier [see 2565-75], who inwardly think about and strive for nothing else but what regards themselves and the world, even though outwardly they do not appear to people to be doing so. About the aura of such people in the other life you may see what was said earlier [2740]. How effectively it works in persuading was clear from when they convinced others that I was insane [2765]. As to how they end up, this also was shown to me. They are brought down through the inward parts of the body, which they try and hope to occupy, for they also want to force their way into those pertaining to marriage love and destroy that love with others by their trickery. So they are let down by that route through the inward parts, but into the stomach, supposing it is by way of the heart, but their passage of descent is by way of the stomach. They think this route is through the province of the thighs, the regions of marriage love, but because the excremental provinces are also located there, they are brought down through these, finally beneath the right foot-sole, their dwelling place.

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