Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2772

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2772. CONCERNING THOSE THAT STRIVE ONLY FOR THE WORLD AND SELF. There are [those] of whom [I have spoken] previously, who drink of, and strive from their interior, for nothing else, than what belongs to self and the world, although in externals they do not so appear to men. See above [what is stated] concerning the sphere of such in the other life. How efficaciously it acts for persuading was evident when they persuaded others that I was insane. In respect to their exit [exiutum], it is also shown me [that] they go down [deferunt] through the interiors of the body which they endeavor and desire to occupy; for they also desire to introduce themselves into those [interiors], which pertain to conjugial love, and with [penes] others, to destroy it by their artifices; wherefore they are let down by that way through the interiors, but not into the stomach. They feel as if [quod] [they were let down] by way of the heart; but [it is] through the stomach, and this way of descent. They suppose [they pass] through the province of the loins, where [are] the provinces of conjugial love; but inasmuch as there also are the excrementitious provinces (provinces of the excrements), they are let down through these. At last [they come] under the sole of the right foot, where their lodging [domicilium] [is].

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