Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2771

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2771. THAT RELATIVES, FRIENDS, COMPANIONS, MEET WITH EACH OTHER IN THE OTHER LIFE. From considerable experience, it is granted to learn that in the other life they meet with their relatives, friends, companions, and acquaintances, also [those] who were only known to them in life by reputation, and converse with them, and also are at first associated with them: for in the other life distance is of no moment [nihil facit]: those who are separated 1000, or it might be 10,000 miles, are near to them, yea everyone according to his life, so that they can be present next [to them]. Wherefore since it is so that relatives, parents, children, friends, companions and mere acquaintances wherever known [noti quocunque modo] meet each other, [still] it is exceedingly unfortunate for those, who have held any in hatred during the life of the body: these also come together and exercise their hatred, to the very great annoyance and misfortune of those whom they have held in hatred: nor does the multitude of souls cause any hindrance, as was given me to learn from very much experience. Wherefore let them beware of hatred: their life is so similar to their life in the body, that, as regards life, they do not know but they are in the life of the body. - 1748, August 8.

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