Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3015

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3015. About speech in mental imagery during sleep A symbolic vision of the Quakers

I was spoken with while in a state midway between sleep and wakefulness, and in fact by a kind of mental imagery that can never be expressed. For as I had heard at other times, they attach their speech to anything whatever that cannot afterwards be called to mind, even though in that state I grasped it plainly. This speech is that of evil spirits of the inward world, or of inward evil spirits, during sleep, thus is also inexpressible. But it is absolutely without content, so it was portrayed to me later as rubbish and other like things that were poured out of a certain container, for they were incoherent and worthless, even though inexpressible. Therefore, the intellect of those who [engage] in this speech is portrayed by the hind parts of a horse, which I saw plainly, for a horse came whose front parts did not appear, but when it turned its rear parts, these plainly appeared to me. Then I heard it said that the understanding of those who engage in this speech of mental imagery during sleep is portrayed in this way, for there is no truth in their understanding. Such perhaps is also the intellect of those spirits who are Quakers and imagine that only they are led by the holy spirit [3013].

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