3015. CONCERNING THE IDEAL SPEECH OF SLEEP. A REPRESENTATIVE VISION CONCERNING THE QUAKERS. Speech was held with me in a state midway between sleep and waking, yea, by means of such ideas as cannot at all be expressed; for like as I have heard at other times [alioquin], they bind [alligant] [their] speech to anything whatever, which [speech] cannot afterwards be described, although I perceived it plainly in that state. This speech of sleep belongs to evil spirits of the interior world ((((or to interior evil spirits in sleep, therefore is also inexpressible, but it never contains anything in itself. Wherefore it was afterwards represented to me by rubbish and many like things, which were poured out from a certain vessel, for they illy cohered, and [pertained] to no thing, although [the speech is] inexpressible. The intellectual [principle] of the things which [are] in this speech is also represented by the rear parts of a horse, which I plainly saw; for there came a horse whose anteriors did not appear, but when he turned his rear parts, these plainly appeared to me, and it was perceived or said, that the intellectuals of those who are in this ideal speech of sleep, are thus represented, for they have no true intellectual [principle]. Such, perhaps, is also the intellectual principle of those spirits who are Quakers and suppose themselves alone to be led by the Holy Spirit.))))