Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3239

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3239. The inner sense is such that it delights only in higher knowledge of things, but nothing beyond this, for which reason also when still more inward things are concerned, which regard uses, they do not care for them, consequently not for knowledge of purposes, or of the one final purpose. It is on account of this that they are proud, and because they are, the life of purposes and uses cannot so readily stream into them before this pride is taken away from them. This is the pride that had caused most of the behavior as described [1415-35, 1441-59, 3233 ff.]. For they had despised others in comparison with themselves. Now those who are humbled have confessed, weeping somewhat, that the Lord is their Only Lord. They then admitted that to them it was a matter of mere knowing, whereupon they were given to know it also with understanding. For they do not worship any other [Lord], yet because they esteem themselves above others, they do not care.

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