Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3239

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3239. ([Their] internal sense is such, that it delights only in the knowledges of things, and nothing beyond. Wherefore, also since there are interiors, which pertain to uses, they do not care [so much] for these; consequently not for ends, thus for the only end: hence also it comes that they are proud, and because proud [in fastu], therefore, the life of ends and uses cannot inflow into them, before that pride is taken away from them. This pride it is which has done most of those things which I have described; for they despised others in comparison with themselves. They who are in a state of humiliation have now acknowledged, with some weeping, that the Lord alone is their Lord; they then acknowledged that what they know scientifically, it is also given them to know intellectually: for they do not worship another [Lord]; but inasmuch as they esteem themselves above others, they do not care.)

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