Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3240

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3240. (Those spirits [were] around me, together with the spirits of our world [telluris], when they came into a grosser sphere to me; and at the same time they wondered that those things which I wrote, were so gross, inasmuch as no idea, as it were, was therein. But it was granted to reply, that the men of this world are of such a character, that they did not understand the tenth part, and a much less part of those things which were written; so that it can scarcely be written so grossly, as that [men can perceive] anything as they perceived [it]. I added, that they do not even know that an internal sense is given, but (suppose that it is the body which feels; therefore do not believe in a life after death, nor that the spirit exists [dari.] They then asked if such can become angels: it was said that they who spoke with them must have been such in the life of the body and yet are now so intelligent; and in the life of the body they know not the least of those things which they had said [to them] whereat they marveled. - 1748, September 21.)

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