Divine Love and Wisdom (Harleys) n. 142

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142. Since these two loves, love to the Lord and the love of domineering from self-love are entirely opposed to each other, and because all who are in love to the Lord turn towards the Lord as a Sun, as was shown in a previous section, it can be established that all who are in the love of domineering from self-love turn backward from the Lord. Therefore they turn in an opposite direction, because those who are in love to the Lord love nothing more than to be led by the Lord, and will that the Lord alone should rule, whereas those who are in the love of domineering from self-love, love nothing more than to be led by themselves, and will that they alone may rule. It is said the love of domineering from self-love, because there is a love of ruling from a love of performing uses, and this love, since it makes one with love towards the neighbour, is a spiritual love. Yet this love cannot be called a love of domineering but a love of performing uses.

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