4630. (CONCERNING THE MISFORTUNES OF THE FAITHFUL. I talked with angelic spirits concerning the misfortunes of the faithful, which, it is well-known, they suffer as much as, and even more than, the unfaithful. The reason was told why some of them are thus let into trials: some, for the reason that they may not ascribe good to themselves; for, if they were exempted [from trials], then would they ascribe it to their own goodness, thus they would arrogate to themselves merit and justice. Lest this should happen, they are let into common misfortunes, so that they come to grief as far as life riches and possessions are concerned, equally with others. If, however, they were of such a character that they would not hence attribute good to themselves, they would be oftener be exempted from ordinary misfortune. Thus, there are hidden causes at work: for it is known, that, when misfortune arrives, any of the faithful think about good, and in such sort that they consider they should be spared on account of the good they have done; and if then, they were to be spared, they would boast it was on account of their being good, and, so, would taunt the wicked with this; consequently, would arrogate good to themselves.)