Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4767

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4767. [4797] CONCERNING THOSE WHO ARE FROM THE MORAVIAN CHURCH. A certain one had stood above at the right, a little higher forwards in the direction of the head; and at the time I had treated of what relates to that church, he manifested himself by this, that he continually urged something in defense of the charges brought against then. At length, I spoke with him; and it was manifested of what quality he was. He withdrew himself to the company where his comrades were. They are below, in the same line, a little to the right, in the plane of the sole of the foot, and are there together, in a certain city; and it was then ascertained of what quality they were, namely, that they regard those who are outside of their company as dead, thus as not having any life, and themselves alone as living and in light. But they are of such a character that they despised the interior sense of the Word. The infernals acted through such ones, when they would infuse contempt. They care for faith alone, etc.

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