4768. [4798] CONCERNING TWO KINDS OF INUNDATIONS. There appears a resemblance of inundations in the other life, but of two kinds. [One kind is] for the good, when they are deluged by various spheres of the hells, which spheres are directed by the Lord, and then produce anxieties and temptations. According to the state, they [these inundations] reach to the feet, over the feet, to the stomach, to the neck, and to the head - rarely above the head. [4799] Another kind of inundation is for the evil, who are in the hells. When they begin to be insane, and have to be restrained, then is the celestial sphere of heaven let down and reaches thus far; and, whither it comes, there they are, as it were, in a deluge, plunged under the waters, and falling into abysses; and this with terrors and cries, altogether like those who perished in the flood. Both kinds of inundation appeared to me.